• 080088008
  • [email protected]
  • SECP Head Office, NIC Building, 63 Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad. 44000

Number of Directors on the Board

Number of employees

Number of employees in Senior Management

Number of employees in Middle Management

Number of employees in non-Management Cadre

Number of promotions during last year

Number of employees hired during last year

Median Salary for Senior Management during year

Median Salary for Middle Management during year

Median Salary for non-Management cadre during year

No. of employees /participants during trainings in last year

Number of Agency Sales force

Number of Agency Sales force hired

Number of Agency Sales force turnover

No. of companies that have (approved) Gender Diversity policy

No. of Companies with No Gender Diversity policies

No. of Companies in process of formulating the Gender Diversity policy

Companies with No Day Care Facilities

Companies that have a Day Care Facility

Companies with No maternity leaves

Companies with No anti-harassment policy

Companies with No Awareness Sessions w.r.t anti-harassment policy